I work in a clinic as a counselor. We "treat" addicts and mentally ill. (Sounds like we take them out for lunch, doesn't it? Here, let me "treat" you to lunch, heroin addict.) We assess these people to determine if they have a substance abuse problem or not. I like to ask them if they do. They usually will say yes or no, predominantly the answer is no. Then I ask them what their definition of a substance abuse problem is. (I should write a book on those answers.) My point here? We all judge things by our own definition of those things. What is a good Mom, who is a kind person, was Jared Loughen crazy? Was he anti-establishment? Was he just pissed off?
I teach cognitive behavioral therapy. I stress again and again, that our working definitions of anything are so important. It’s those definitions that we use to view the world through and more importantly judge. Being kind: a heroin addict gives some of his heroin to another addict who has run out. Being kind: Arresting the heroin addicts so they are "helped." Being kind: Allowing them to choose their own course in life. Feel free to add further definitions of “kind” in this scenario. Our society has split and we are warring against each other. We aren’t Americans anymore. We are Republicans or Democrats, Gay or straight, for the President, against the President and on it goes. We have always disagreed and judged based on our definition of things but we didn’t carry signs of our President being hung by the KKK. We didn’t say people should be targeted and “taken out”. Rush Limbaugh has power based on what? He is a drug addict and was “preaching” while under the influence. What are we thinking? Sarah Palin is a gorgeous woman, by my definition, but I don’t want someone who says to her child, “Don’t retreat, reload” to be in charge of our position in the world. A good President: Doesn’t take crap from any world leader. A good President: Shakes hands and bows to world leaders according to custom. A good President: Gives all Americans health care. A good president: Doesn’t steal taxes to give healthcare to Americans who can’t afford it. The “right” way to live: Capitalism. The “wrong” way to live: Socialism.
A new age saying: It is what it is. I say, no, it is what you think it is and don't believe everything you think. Choose love and respect for all.